April 01, 2014

Hazelnut Hot Chocolate

I'm a Starbucks girl- through and through. 

Come what may- the little affairs that I may have with the Costa's and Pret's of the worlds- my loyalty rarely wanes from the green twin-tailed mermaid [I kid you not- that's what it actually is!] 

However, the Starbucks I totter past every day, the Starbucks Barista that I greet with a beaming smile, the Starbucks counter I drum my finger tips on while I patiently  impatiently wait for my morning pick me up- was out of Hazelnut Syrup.

Regular Coffee? Regular Hot Chocolate? Didn't quite do it for me at all! 

To avoid any future heartbreaks and desolate expressions- one, sleepless, Monday in the wee hours of the morning I decided to experiment- and "Eureka" did I crack it! 

This is my recipe for the most sumptuously decadent Hazelnut Hot Chocolate of all time. If you've had a rough day and need a "hug in a mug" or looking for that sugar kick to get your morning started- this is just what the doctor ordered! And what's better- it is oh so simple!

For 1 Large Hazelnut Hot Chocolate:

Chocolate Sauce 

Splashing's of Hazelnut Syrup 

Instant Horlicks 

Carte D'or Vanilla Ice Cream 

1 large mug of semi-skimmed milk 

2 tbsp of double cream

1/4 Cup of Water

1 Cup Golden Caster Sugar 

Twinings Swiss Chocolate Powder 

Kenco Instant Rich Coffee 

Sizeable amounts of Nutella 

Fire up that hob ladies & gents...
she coo

Heat your Sugar and Water in a pan. Keep stirring and observe closely- warning it'll take a while- until you're left with a golden brown syrup that fills your kitchen with devilish thoughts and smells. Add the cream and put some hip into the mixing. If you're drinking now leave it to cool, if not store this baby in a jar. 

While she rests, pour your milk into a saucepan on low heat 

Just before it begins to boil, spoon in your Chocolate Powder. Now the tub will tell you 3 leveled teaspoons... 

however how heaped is not specified- so go wild! 

Get spooning!

Into the pan it goes! While you're at it, throw in a spoon of your Instant Horlicks, half a teaspoon of Kenco instant coffee and a generous amount of the good stuff...

Starbucks Hazelnut flavour syrup. Once slightly cooled, add a dollop of Carte d'or ice-cream or Nutella into your pan [depending on how nutty you like it] and shake it all together. 

Pour a few glugs of the caramel you made previously into the bottom of your mug, and pour in your hot chocolate, top with cream and drizzle with chocolate sauce! Sit back in your snuggley silks and snuggle down with someone delicious. 

How do you like your Starbucks in the morning?

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