After a long day that included a lengthy coach journey to
hunt down the absolutely incredible Northern lights, an extensive meander through the centre of Reykjavik to
familiarise ourselves with our surroundings
we’d inflicted upon ourselves a state of food deprivation.
Nordic people are extremely friendly, so when asking them “where can we eat our weight in delicious food” they all seemed to
sing from the same hymn sheet.
A restaurant called Kopar was the hot two syllable
word on everybody’s lips. Famished and quite frankly desperate, we chucked on a
pretty outfit, strapped on a pair of boots, not totally appropriate for
trudging in the cold weather but whatever!
Fur Gillet from The Kooples which you can find here
White and Gold leaf blouse from here
Black Skater Skirt and Studded Boots from Topshop which you can grab here
Salivating at the thought, we headed over to taste this
heavenly dining experience that the Icelandic people raved about. It’s safe to
say they weren’t wrong.
Kopar is a treasure to Reykjavik. The unassuming restaurant
sits proudly on the marina in the centre of the city, overlooking the string
line of boats placed on the harbour.
The restaurant embraces the true rustic
edge that Iceland has over the rest of its Nordic counterparts. Luckily upon
pre-warning, we’d managed to call up a few hours before and book a table-
however warning travellers this restaurant gets seriously busy on a Saturday
We shuffled through the bucolic settings to our table and
came face to face with our beautiful view for the night
Stunning isn’t it!
Kopar prides itself on using the freshest ingredients that
are sourced from local products, both from land and sea, to create an
adventurous menu to be sampled by all.
A glass of Montalto Famiglia from Sicily
for me and a round of Violet Mojito’s for my companions we were itching to try the food!
Trawling the menu over seeded butter and a fresh bread
basket, never a bad thing, we’d decided on our first [wo]man vs food round.
Lightly fried spicy crab cakes that lay so innocently on a
power-packed fluffy remoulade and sweet ‘n’ sour lemon sauce.
Creamy Goat Cheese parcels and Honey Salad accompanied by
Rucola, the sweetest candied walnuts and contrasting sour pears.
Oh sweet Cheesus.
With round one being such a success we couldn’t possibly
cheat out on round two!
A fanfare Lobster and Crab risotto packed full of delicious
flavours enhanced by a shellfish sauce and fennel salad for me. Jaw droppingly
And a Zucchini “Spaghetti Style” with chick pea balls
accompanied by freshly sourced white beans, cherry tomatoes and grapes crowned
with hefty shavings of parmesan and basil.
Needless to say- the plates left the table significantly
emptier than when they arrived.
Que mandatory “I’m so
full” remarks and “I can’t possibly
eat anymore” comments... while skimming over the dessert menu. Enter round
Soft Daim Cheesecake with tangy raspberry sauce, skyr sorbet
and sorrel. Skyr, unbeknown to myself, is an Icelandic cultured yoghurt that is
somewhat of a specialty in Iceland.
It’s fresh and zingy which complements the
softness of the daim cheesecake- definitely a recipe that I’ll be recreating!
For good measure we also opted for the brownie and after-eight
ice cream laced in a coconut caramel sauce. While the brownie could’ve been
slightly more gooey, the after-eight ice cream was bloomin’ fantastic!
Full and significantly high in spirits we took a stroll
around the harbour and joined the Nordics to dance the night away Icelandic